Saturday, September 7, 2019

Commentary on the Entire Bible - Preface

Firmly believing that every Christian who has the capacity in this day and age of web blogs and free self-publishing should study the Bible and write about what they’ve seen for the edification of others I have taken on the task of commenting on the entire Bible. If the Lord permits me I will complete it. I do not insist that I am right in every particular of interpretation but am hopeful that, even if you disagree with me, you will grow to love your Bible as much as I have. Pick it up, read, study, comment. I am an ordinary Christian with no seminary training. I have multiple degrees but that is because I worked for a university and received my classes free. I felt it best to be able to relate to what the students assigned to me experienced. As a result, I have a BA in Anthropology, an MA in American History, and Graduate Certificates representing an additional year of study each in Ancient and Classical History, European History, Civil War Studies, and the American Revolution. This does not make me an expert in the Bible. I simply read the Bible, cross-reference verses, study, and read some more, praying for wisdom and understanding from the God who is active in every moment of our existences and is the source of our reasoning ability and even consciousness. At this writing I am finishing up on my 63rd reading of the Bible; the first two times being the Good News Bible and the remaining times the King James Version. I believe that God has prepared me with the experiences of my life and the personal talents He has given me to do this. But, I am not alone. There are millions of Christians who should do the same. I could not have embarked on this project without the indwelling of the Spirit of God and Christ and without the inspiration my wife, Beth, gives me every day as we learn what God has for us together.

1 comment:

Gary N Alford said...

Praise the Lord, brother. I know that your commentaries are already a blessing to any child of God who reads them with an open heart to hear from the words of the living God.

For any observers who reads my comments, i must say that I am one who does disagree with brother Fred on some things but can testify of the Holy Spirit's guidance in his work. Fred's work should inspire you to think about the scriptures, study more deeply, and with personal application in mind. You will not regret listening to brother Fred.