Proverbs 21:18 ¶ The wicked shall be a ransom for the
righteous, and the transgressor for the upright.
For the Ancient Hebrews the application of this
verse literally is clear. Just as Haman was caught in his subtlety trying to
kill Mordecai and Sennacherib was thwarted in his attempt to conquer Jerusalem
and then murdered by his own children so God can arrange it that those who come
up against Israel shall themselves pay the price they were trying to exact from
the Jews.
But for us today it is interesting to note here
that the Lord Jesus Christ became sin for us.
2Corinthians 5:21 For he hath made him to be
sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in
God is composed of three parts; God the Father,
the soul of God, the locus of His Will. Then, there is God the Holy Spirit,
which, of course, is His Spirit and very mind, actively pursuing His Will.
Then, there is God the Son, the Son of God, who is God’s visible image, His
physical body. God the Son, came to earth to be born of a woman and to live as
a man, the Son of man, to pay the penalty for man’s sin against God, which man
was not able to pay. On earth He was fully man and yet also fully God. The
phrase “only begotten Son” refers to the fact that this only happened once in
human history.
Alexander the Great had himself declared the Son
of God in Egypt but he was a liar. Octavian, Caesar Augustus (Luke 2:1), signed
his official documents with initials stating that he was the Son of God after a
comet was declared by him as being the spirit of Julius Caesar, his adopted
father, rising to heaven, but he, too, was a liar. The simple Jewish virgin,
Mary, in giving birth to the God/man in her obedience, accomplished something
unique in history although many others had made the claim as Satan
counterfeited the prophecy made in the Garden of Eden.
(We are also composed of three like parts, as
per 1 Thessalonians 5:23, although, since we are not God, our body, soul, and
spirit cannot function separately. If our soul or spirit are disconnected from
our flesh we will die a physical death.)
The ancient Hebrews were to give a ransom for their souls
to God (Exodus 30:12). But no man can redeem his brother (Psalm 49:6-8). But,
Jesus Christ, being God, was able to give Himself, His physical life, as a
ransom to God the Father for us.
Mark 10:45 For even the Son of man came not
to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.
What’s important to you is what you’re going to
eat, what you’re going to wear, where you’re going to sleep tonight, and what
kind of entertainment you’ll be entertained with today. You are concerned
perhaps about finding a mate, having a job with some respect and self-esteem,
and being admired by your peers and family for some reason or the other. Many
women want children and many men want a home to come to. But what God is
focused on is a relationship with the focal point of His creation, human
However, since our first ancestor, we’ve been in
rebellion against God. Very few people actually want to know anything about God
or have anything to do with Him unless we are in trouble physically. It is in
our nature since Adam’s day to sin against Him constantly. A quick perusal of
the Law, which includes God’s standard of right and wrong, given to the ancient
Hebrews, a people He had separated to be His people in a world run by Satan
(2Corinthians 4:4) because of man’s sin, will show us that few of us would even
attempt to live to the standard for which we were created. A Holy and Righteous
God will not have sin in His presence. Something must be done about our sin.
So, in our natural selves, as we are born in the
flesh, we are incapable of either pleasing God, having fellowship with Him, or
obeying Him. Mankind is inherently, in his flesh, an evil and malicious being
totally given over to wickedness. But our Creator loves us and wanted to save
us from our natural destination, as we live without wanting anything to do with
God, so we would spend eternity in suffering and agony without God’s mercy and
blessings, first in a Hell that He had prepared for rebellious spiritual
beings; Satan and the angels who followed him, and then finally in an eternal
lake of unquenchable fire in a transformed body that would never die and
experience endless suffering. He wants us with Him. It is His will that all men
be saved. He had no desire that anyone perish.
So, rather than we, who are unwilling and unable
to pay the penalty for our sin against our Creator, God Himself came and paid
the price for us; a perfectly sinless man obedient in all things to God the Father,
judged, tortured, and executed by us, dying for our sins, on the brutal Cross
at Calvary. And it is only by our acknowledgement of what He has done for us
and our trusting in its ability to save us from our natural destination that we
can be saved. We must believe that Jesus Christ was who He said He was, God,
and that He died for our sins, and that He rose from the dead, the only man in
history to have the power to raise Himself from the dead. By looking at that,
believing in it, and trusting in that we are saved. It is by Christ’s
righteousness, perfect and complete, that we are saved, trusting in Him to get
us to a Heaven with God for eternity. There is no other way.
John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way,
the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Acts 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name
under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
So, He, who knew no sin, became sin
for us. He became, on the Cross, the wicked and the transgressor, something He
had never been, so that we could become the righteous and upright, something we
have never been, by virtue of His Spirit living in us after being born a second
time, born again in the Spirit, when we believed and trusted in Him.
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